Worm Castings Application Instructions

Keep in a cool place, out of direct sunlight. Worm castings should remain moist.

For potting soil: Mix 20% worm castings with 80% potting soil

For houseplants: Sprinkle worm castings on the surface of the soil immediately before watering

For planting seeds and seedlings: Sprinkle a 1 inch layer of worm castings on the bottom of the planting hole

For larger garden beds: Make a liquid extract! Use 1 cup of worm castings for every 1 gallon of water. Make sure water is at ambient temp and, if using municipal water, allow it to sit overnight to dechlorinate. Add worm castings to a mesh bag and immerse it in water. Massage the bag and stir water for 15 minutes. Solution should turn dark brown. Use a watering can to water the garden bed with the extract. You can then spread the leftover material from the mesh bag around the garden bed.